Sow into God’s Kingdom

Galatians 6:7-8(NLT)
“7 Don’t be misled–you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. 8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.”

My grandfather was a chicken farmer in rural Georgia. He’d get up as early as 3am in the morning to take delivery of thousands of little baby chicks. He was out of the house most mornings before the sun was up, and from sunup to sundown, he worked extremely hard. Farming was how he made his living, and it seemed as though this is what he was born to do. He loved it because although it was hard work, the principle of sowing and reaping was very simple, and it always worked beautifully for him. His farm was a thriving one because he sowed the seeds of hard work, patience, and diligence. He counted on the reality that if he was diligent to sow, a harvest would come. This is what God tells us in His Word, and His principle of sowing and reaping is a law that we must follow if we expect to see a harvest of blessings and rewards in our lives.

It doesn’t matter how technologically advanced and sophisticated human beings become; we will never outgrow the laws that God has set forth in His Word. The wisdom of Galatians 6:7-8 reminds us that we should never think that God will accept or bless anything that we offer and do. Our Heavenly Father is a God of order. This is how He has set things up. He requires us to understand that every action, word, thought, feeling, and deed has a reaction. This is law. If we put it out there, it’s coming back to us, and this works for both good and bad alike. So, we need to be very real about where we are and what we’re receiving in life, because if we don’t like our harvest, or it’s a harvest of decay, we need to change the seeds.

Sowing and reaping is a principle that many of us, as single women, are dismissing, denying, or overlooking. We think that God should give us a blessing even though we haven’t sown the proper seeds to produce the harvest we expect. My grandfather would say that this is the problem with people today, they don’t work hard but expect to receive the same rewards as those who do. Proverbs 13:4(NLT) says, “Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” Most of us aren’t lazy when it comes to being on our grind and doing what we gotta do to make our lives work, but often we are lazy when it comes to giving God what He deserves and meeting His requirements. We put our desires and agendas on the top tier and everything else is below. When it comes to our relationship with God, this simply won’t do.

Jesus Christ said in Luke 13:24(NLT), “Work hard to enter the narrow door to God’s Kingdom, for many will try to enter but will fail.” This isn’t talking about physical labor, but laboring in the things of God like prayer, thankfulness, worship, praise, meditating on God’s Word and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s possible that when God takes a look at the lives of many of us, He sees that we’ve carved out only a little space for Kingdom business, and everything else revolves around what we want and expect to receive. If we keep this up, it’s not going to yield the rewards we expect to receive. We must be clear that we have to sow into God’s Kingdom to receive Kingdom rewards, and if we have any doubts about this, we simply need to ask the Lord about it.

Romans 12:11(NLT) says, Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.” We should never be misled and think that we can escape the way that God has ordained everything to work. We will always harvest what we’ve planted. That’s immutable, and there’s no way to get around it.

God tells us in Hosea 10:12(NLT), I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’” As God’s single daughters that are continually asking Him to bless us with a good man, now is the time to plant the good seeds of righteousness. Jesus Christ said in Luke 10:2(NLT), The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” You will do yourself the greatest good if you focus on the work of God’s Kingdom more than any other thing. Pray that you will have a harvest that pleases God, and that as you follow where He leads, you will plant the kind of seeds that produce the blessings you desire most.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Sow into God’s Kingdom”, written by Kim Times, edited by Fran Mack and K. Stephens for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2023. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

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